

What are Workshops?

Workshops aim to share knowledge, encourage stimulating discussion and intellectual engagement between participants on a particular subtheme (i.e. a specific focus within a more general topic). Workshops can also be outcome focused, for example: to integrate theory and practice; to build and foster networks; to channel work into special issues in ESMQ or other journals or edited books; to shift existing fields; or map out new sport management research territory.

Convenors design their Workshops by embracing a format and flow that enable collaboration and participant experiences different to traditional conference sessions.

EASM2023 Workshops

The Scientific Committee of The European Sport Management Conference are pleased to confirm the following workshops will be presented at the 31st EASM Conference in Belfast 2023 with full details provided at the link.

Workshop A: Innovation in Sport for Development and Peace
Workshop B: Visions of Sustainability in Sports
Workshop C: Challenges, innovation readiness, and change management in grassroot sports
Workshop D: Sport and the Metaverse: Characteristics, Applications, Value and Future Development
Workshop E: Women’s Football development in Europe: state of play and perspectives
Workshop F: Developing Sports Managers & Leaders Across Europe – ERASMUS+ Project Review and Next Steps
Workshop G: Sport, Media, and Communication – Online hate and sport
Workshop H: Diversity and Inclusion: Women in Sport in Ireland – Cross Disciplinary Conversations
Workshop I: Sport Governance and Policy – Sport and Shared Islands
Workshop J: Anti-doping Interventions: Policies, Implementation and Evaluation
Workshop K: Strengthening the Management and Performance of Community Sport through National Sport Club Surveys: Global examples and New Possibilities

EASM 2023 Workshops